Fatal Police Shootings Analysis


The dataset provides information on fatal police shootings in the US. This report outlines the results of three machine learning classification tasks performed on the dataset: predicting the manner of death, predicting the perceived threat level, and predicting whether a body camera was active during the incident.

Task 1: Predict manner_of_death

Features used: armed, age, race, threat_level, and signs_of_mental_illness.

Accuracy: 0.94

Classification Report:
precision    recall  f1-score   support

0       0.95      0.99      0.97      1171
1       0.08      0.02      0.03        60


Feature Importance


Task 2: Predict threat_level

Features used: armed, age, gender, race, and signs_of_mental_illness.

Accuracy: 0.66

Classification Report:
precision    recall  f1-score   support

0       0.71      0.83      0.76       772
1       0.54      0.38      0.45       418
2       0.42      0.25      0.31        40

Feature Importance:


Task 3: Predict body_camera

Features used: armed, age, gender, race, threat_level, manner_of_death, and flee.

Accuracy: 0.80

Classification Report:
precision    recall  f1-score   support

False       0.86      0.92      0.89       961
True       0.14      0.08      0.10       160

Feature Importance:



  1. Age consistently appears as a significant factor across all tasks. This suggests that the age of the individual involved plays a crucial role in various aspects of police encounters.
    2. The perceived threat level is influential in both predicting the manner_of_death and whether a body_camera was active. This highlights the importance of the perceived threat in police encounters.
    3. Armed status also has a notable influence across all tasks, emphasizing the role weapons play in these situations.
    4. Features like race, while not the most influential, still play a notable role in certain tasks. This may hint towards societal or systemic factors at play.
    5. The use of a body camera appears to be influenced by various factors, including the perceived threat, age, and race. This suggests that the decision to activate a body camera (or the scenarios where it’s active) may not be entirely random.

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